Air Strike aka Surgical Strike 2 – India Takes Revenge

Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest! Salute Indian Air Force

12 Indian Air Force Mirage-2000 jets crossed the Line of Control (LoC) early on Tuesday morning along with destroying terror camps of Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed in Balakot. Aprroxiamiatley 200 to 300 terrorists were bombed down.

The Air Strike, which has been dubbed Surgical Strikes 2.0, comes two weeks after a terror attack on CRPF soldiers in Pulwama, Jammu, and Kashmir. 

Pakistan has maintained that there was no casualty or damage due to the attack. However, this is not the only jibe they’ve made at Indian media over “Surgical Strike 2.0“.

Moreover Punjab has put its border districts on high alert in the wake of the IAF strikes across the Line of Control, undertaken by India as a retaliatory measure in the aftermath of the Pulwama terror attack: ANI

Important Facts To Be Noted

Uri Attacks: 18th September

Surgical Strike : 30th September

Pulwama Attacks : 14th February

Air Strike: 26th February

#SurgicalStrike2 was carried out from Gwalior airbase which Pakistani could not imagine though Pakistani Radars.

Fighter and other aircraft took off from several air bases in Western and Central commands at about the same time, leaving Pakistani defence officials confused as to where they were heading, the sources said. A small group of aircraft broke away from the swarm and headed to Balakot where “the sleeping terrorists were sitting ducks for the Indian bombing,” said one source.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi to review the pre-emptive non-military air strike that was conducted this morning.  

PM Modi to chair the meeting with Intelligence chief and Indian Air Force Chief. 

National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval to update PM Modi on latest developments. 

How’s The Josh!: High Sir !!
How’s The Jaise!: Dead Sir !!

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